What to do with your holiday photos

Ever wonder what to with your holiday photos after the cards are made? A lot of time and money go into our holiday photos just for it to be used for a card. Don’t get me wrong, holiday cards are one of my favorite things, but let’s not let these photos fade away with the season! Here are some ideas on what to do with holiday photos after the holiday season has passed.

  1. Make them into ornaments

Starting out with my personal favorite! We turn our holiday card photos into ornaments every year. It is one of the best parts of decorating our Christmas tree. Each ornament shows our girls growing up and it seriously melts my heart. You can order photo ornaments almost anywhere you can order prints.

2. Make a scrap book

A friend of mine makes a scrap book out of her holiday cards every year and thought it was a great way to preserve the memories. If you are the crafty type, this is a great way to keep not only your own cards, but close friends and family’s cards as well. This is a really cute scrap book to get you started.

What to do with your holiday photos

3. Frame them

You might not want a holiday themed photo hanging on your wall year round, but it can be fun to swap out the photos just for the holidays. Make sure you have a frame that you can easily swap them out or better yet, buy a holiday frame that can fit on a table. Then, all you need to do is store it with your holiday decorations.

Looking for inspiration for your holiday photo session? Check out these holiday sessions from a few years ago.

I would love to hear from you with any ideas that you have! Drop them in the comments.

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