Welcome this darling some bunny is one cake smash to the Medina Ohio photographer blog! Oh this sweet baby girl has been an absolute joy to watch grow! I’ve had the honor of photographing her newborn, six month, and now first birthday! It seems like just yesterday we were snuggling her as a fresh days old baby. My goodness, how time flies and babies grow!

Little Miss brought all the smiles and personality for her first birthday session! What a joyful little gal! Going through her photos and trying to pick the best smile was impossible.

Momma brought in this gorgeous dress for her cake smash session. It just so happened to match this set perfectly!

Baby girl’s first birthday theme is perfect for a spring birthday. This some bunny is one cake smash set was SO much fun to put together! Only a few more days until Easter and this set really helped get us in the spirit.

This right here is a girl after my own heart. The best way to eat cake? Face first of course! If you get the opportunity to eat your very own birthday by yourself, there is no better way to tackle it. We can get our smash cakes from Honey Bee Bakery right here in Medina Ohio. They are as tasty as they are beautiful!

Those big blue eyes and the sweet smile. Baby girl, you have us wrapped around your fingers.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog to check out this some bunny is one cake smash! Love what you see and are looking for a Medina Ohio photographer? Please check out other cake smash sessions on the blog. We take a limited number of sessions each month and are currently scheduling into the summer and early fall.