Lately I have had a few requests for fruit bath sessions and I have to admit, they are my new favorite! Fruit baths are a fun change up for your baby’s milestone session. Not only are they adorable, but they keep your little one entertained. I mean what baby doesn’t love a good splash in the tub with a little food playtime??
Little Miss K’s momma requested a lemon fruit bath. She had never tasted a lemon before and although she actually does not care for fruits, no sour faces here! Lemons must be her new favorite!
Also, word to the wise, don’t make your lemon bath with milk. In my moment of genius, I thought milk would be pretty and help cover pieces and parts. Which it did. And then it turned into a curdled buttermilk bath. Whoops! I totally knew that as I make buttermilk for my kiddo’s pancakes every week. Apparently I did not apply my cooking knowledge here. HA! Oh well! It was still cute. 😉
Here is what you need to consider for your kiddo’s fruit bath. Can they sit unsupported? Do they have any allergies? What colors do you want to use? If you love yellow like me, lemons are perfect. Seasonal fruit baths are also fun! Strawberries in June, apples in the fall, watermelon in the summer. You get the point! You can also opt for a flower milk bath as well!
If you are interested in scheduling a fruit bath or flower milk bath for your little one’s session, you can do so here. You can also check out another fruit bath session in this blog post.
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