Oh the gift of time. We have seemed to be short on time until just recently. Not to worry, I have a lot of baby photo sessions to catch up on here on the blog!
If there is anything that can bring a smile to your face today, it is this handsome man’s newborn photos. My goodness! Squish for days, y’all.
So here is an overshare of Mr. W’s newborn baby photo session. He has the sweetest little face and was so sleepy for his studio newborn session.

His momma choose green and blue for his backdrop colors. Classic boy colors if I do say so. Mr. W can pull off any color don’t you think?

All the different angles really show off those sweet newborn details. His baby rolls are delicious and just what the doctor ordered!

At one point during his newborn session, I said that I could ‘just gobble him up’. (Because, how could you not??!) His big sister piped up from the other side of the studio, “DON’T EAT MY BABY BROTHER!!!”. Oh my goodness, I about lost it. Y’all, if that isn’t the best big sister right there, I don’t know what is. Saving her baby from the photographer.

Baby toes are the best! It never fails to be a fan favorite from baby photo sessions!

Megan, my amazing assistant worked her magic on big sister. She really was quite hesitant that day to hop into the pictures. Just like Mary Poppins, Megan played games with her until she was dressed and thought it was her idea to sit with her baby brother. Nothing makes a momma happier than a photo of both of her babies together!

That’s a wrap for today! Thank you so much for stopping by the baby photography blog! Keep checking back, there will be much more goodness to come!
Expecting a little one soon? Please check out the portfolio and the online calendar for availability and scheduling.